Cat shows
Did you know we love to show our cats?
Showing Our Cats
I do love a show, and surprisingly a lot of my cats do too. It’s an excellent way to ensure your cats are correct to type by all the really experienced judges out there. I am a registered breeder at GCCF and attend GCCF shows. I am always happy to help you on a journey showing your cats.
There is honestly no feeling like your baby reaching the top pens and competing with the best of the best across all the breeds.
GCCF cat shows offer a fantastic day out and a wonderful opportunity to meet lots of different breeds and an entire hall of like minded . Regardless of the results, you always take home the best cat. Even if your cat isn’t show quality but has an amazing personality you can still participate and enjoy the experience by entering the pedigree pets section and work towards Master Cat!
Attending your first show can be a bit intimidating, but don’t let that deter you. Most shows offer a buddy system for those new to showing and I am always happy to help. There is a fabulous facebook group offering show support, just look for GCCF Show Support for Exhibitors which I am an Admin of. GCCF also have great resources and it is agreat place to start is the section click – “Getting Started.”
I highly recommend you also join your local cat club (which will be putting on a show each year) I am the chair of the Edinburgh and East of Scotland Cat club and can always be found at their show but I support and am a member of several others.
Enjoy the journey and happy showing!